Skip Navigation LinksTIN Registration : Sole Trader Registration

TIN Services

TIN Registration for Individuals (Sole Traders Help)
Note: Fields marked with red * are all required information

Sole Trader Information

Personal Information
* Title
* National Identity Number
* Surname
* First Given Name
Other Given Names
Date of Birth / /
* Sex
* Trading Name Help
* Business Registration Number  Help BRN
* Do you have a Seychelles Licensing No? Help SLA

Sole Trader Contact Details

What are your contact details?
* Business hours phone No
Mobile Phone Number
Fax Number
Where is the business main location? Help
* Country
What is the business postal address? Help
* Address
P.O. Box

* Title
* National Identity Number
* Surname
* First Given Name
Other Given Names
Date of Birth / /
* Sex
* Business hours phone No
Mobile Phone Number
Fax Number
Is your tax agent your authorised contact? Help

Business Activity and Location

* Reason
Is it your first time in Seychelles?
Commencement Date / /
 Do you have more than one business location?
* Main Business Activity

Tax Declaration

* Approximate turnover (in Seychelles rupees)
* No. of employees
* Date Employment Commenced / /
* Monthly Contribution
* Account Basis

Additional Questions

Are you registered for Presumptive Tax?
If not, would you like to register? Help
Are you registered for Value Added Tax?
If not, would you like to register? Help
Would you like to register as an employer?
Would you like to register for business tax?
Are you registered for excise tax?
If not, would you like to register?

Human Verification

Enter displayed code